How to Make $50 Weekly On Facebook

How to make $50 weekly on Facebook with Adsterra Direct Links


This is a great way to make money on Facebook, but it's not for everyone. If you like to spend your time sharing links with your friends and family, then this might be the job for you. There are no set-up fees or monthly subscriptions. Instead, all you have to do is share your direct links with people who will click through on them. Once they click through their website or app will start earning passive income through Adsterra's affiliate program where they get paid per link sold if they belong to an existing user base already signed up with us.

You can earn big money by sharing links on social media.

You can earn big money by sharing links on social media.

Adsterra is a link sharing platform that pays you for every link you share. In other words, if you want to make $50 per week on Facebook with Adsterra Direct Links, then this is what's going to happen:

  • You'll create an account at and get verified as a publisher (this could take a few days).

  • You'll then be able to create your own campaigns where people can click through and buy products directly from Amazon--or anything else they want! The more products they buy, the more money they will make off of their purchases.

What are direct links?

Direct links are a type of link that you can share on your website or social media pages. They are often used in the context of affiliate marketing, but they're also a great way to make money online with Facebook ads.

In this article, we'll cover what direct links are and how you can use them to increase your revenue from Facebook ads without having to spend hours researching new products or creating your own e-commerce storefronts (we'll explain why later).

How to make $50 per week on Facebook with Adsterra Direct Links

How to make $50 per week on Facebook with Adsterra Direct Links

To start making money from your work, you need a good strategy. If you don't have one yet, then this guide will help teach you how to get started by showing the best practices for getting paid for each link that you share in Facebook groups and pages that suit your niche. There is no need to be an expert blogger or social media manager for this type of thing! Just follow these steps:

  • Share Your Link In Groups/Pages That Suit Your Niche

This step might seem obvious but it's important because it helps people find out about what kinds of ads they can run next (and which ones they should avoid). You can also make sure that none of those ads interfere with any other content published by other users on either platform--if someone comments on something related but doesn't like their taste in music or clothing choices then chances are good they'll leave feedback instead."

Sign up on Adsterra

  • Sign up on Adsterra

  • Create an account and add your email address and password

  • Click on the sign in button

Get your direct links to earn passive income

Direct links are the most reliable way to make money on Facebook. You get paid when someone clicks your link, and you can get paid quickly!

But how do I get my direct links? If you're new to Adsterra Direct Links, then this guide will help you get started. If not, let's dive right into it!

First thing s first: what exactly is a direct link? A direct link is like an affiliate link that goes directly to your website instead of through an external site like Amazon or eBay (where they use their own affiliate programs). This means that when someone clicks on this type of link and buys something online via your business or brand name (rather than just searching for something), then it counts as an ad impression - which means money coming in from Google adsense!

How to get paid for each link you share

You are going to be paid for each link you share. You can earn up to $3 per link, and even up to $10 or more if you're really good at what you do. The payout depends on how many people click on the link and buy something from their Facebook Page or Website.

The amount of money that you make depends on how much traffic your ad gets, as well as its quality (is it relevant?). If someone clicks on one of these ads, they will see a banner ad at the top of their News Feed that reads "Click here!"

Share your link in Facebook groups and pages that suit your niche

If you have a niche or industry, Facebook groups and pages are a great way to make money. They're also very easy to get started with:

  • Choose your niche from the Facebook Groups Directory by searching for keywords in the search bar.

  • Join as many relevant groups as possible and post links to each of them once per day. If someone clicks through one of these links and buys something from Adsterra in return, then it's yours!

There is no need to be an expert blogger to make money on Facebook.

Facebook is the most popular social media platform and it's easy to see why. It has over 1 billion users and continues to grow at an astonishing rate.

Facebook ads have been around for years, but they're only just starting to get serious about them in 2019. This means that there are plenty of opportunities for you if you want to make money online with Facebook!

But don't worry because this isn't as complicated as it sounds: there are many ways that someone who doesn't know what they're doing could still make good money using Adsterra Direct Links!

Don't forget to build your Instagram!

If you want to make money on Instagram, you need to build your Instagram first. That's right--I said it! If you have no idea what I'm talking about or why this is super important, let me break it down for you:

  • Don't forget that Facebook is the most popular social media platform in the world by far. It has more than 2 billion users worldwide and over 1 billion monthly active users (MAUs).

  • Many people are searching for keywords like "Instagram Direct Links" and "Facebook Direct Links" every day on Google - so if there's anything we can do to help our friends get more traffic from search engines then we should do it!

Join Adsterra's affiliate program

One of the most popular ways to make money online is by sharing links. If you're not familiar with direct links, it's when you link to a specific product or service on your social media profile and then earn commission for every purchase made by someone who clicks through.

Adsterra Direct Links is one of the best affiliate programs out there because it has so many benefits:

  • You do not need any technical knowledge! The platform is easy-to-use even for beginners.

  • You get paid instantly via PayPal after each sale! No waiting days or weeks before getting paid--you get paid right away when someone buys something through one of your links (which happens quite often). This means that while other sites may take up to 30 days before sending out payments, Adsterra will process them immediately after they've been purchased so there's no waiting period whatsoever!

How does Adsterra work?

Adsterra works by sending you a link to share with your friends. Each time one of your followers clicks through and makes a purchase, that action will be counted as an active click and added to your earnings. To begin earning money on Adsterra, all you need is an email address and Facebook account (or Google Plus) where you can verify your identity before getting started.

You can share up to 5 links per day--that's 50% more than the average social media campaign! And since there are no limits on how many times your likes or comments are approved by Facebook, there's no limit on how much money you could make from this program either!

To get started right away with this great opportunity check out our website at www


In conclusion, Adsterra is a great way to make money on Facebook. There are many ways you can do this, but I recommend that you start with sharing your direct links and build up from there! Remember that the most important thing is having fun and learning how these programs work so don't get discouraged if it takes time before you start seeing results.

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